Diablo 1 Belzebub Drop Hack

First drop the item you want to duplicate and walk to the edge of the screen (so that you can still see the item). Then walk over to the item and at the exact same time you pick it up click on the. Diablo 1 was quickly broken after its release on PC because of trainers and hackers. This is a video of my lvl 36 rogue doing a lazarus and a shop run to try. Type: Blood Magic Required Level: 5 Book Price: 10000 Gold Description: Sacrifices life energy in ritual that causes the caster to become possessed and gain supernatural combat prowess. Causes severe exhaustion. The minimum level this item can drop at is 31. Below you will find the range of stats found on the level 31 version, however the item can drop at any level above 31. The legendary effect does not change with level. 36.4 Base DPS; 20–36 Damage; 1.30 Attacks per Second; One of 14 Magic Properties (varies) +(3–6)–(7–14) Arcane Damage.

Click here to visit the Diablo Belzebub (Windows PC) description page for screenshots, saves, and more information.

Nice collection of hacks for Diablo 1.08. Fast walk, No drops at death, Autodupe, God mode, etc. If you like this and would like to see more of this guys work, you can find a hyper-link on the links page. I also have some items created by him, see the items page.

Review by tankMage (September 2017)

Score: B-


Belzebub is an ambitious mod of the classic hack n’ slash title: Diablo. So before I begin, I want to say that I would have loved to have been able to give this mod an A, it’s just that good. Unfortunately, it’s also incomplete. The creator of Belzebub abandoned the project some time ago in favor of another mod: Tchernobog (also an extensive overhaul of the original Diablo), which will hopefully end up being more complete than Belzebub. At any rate, Belzebub is fun to play and has a lot to offer despite being buggy and lacking multiplayer.

New Classes and Abilities

Belzebub adds three new classes to Diablo, which may seem familiar to fans of the series: Barbarian, Necromancer, and Assassin. Each class has its own abilities, which are generally well thought out. The Necromancer can raise hordes of skeletons and zombies to fight for him. The Barbarian is a close combat expert who focuses on dealing damage, and the Assassin can move about unseen as well as perform sneak attacks. In addition to the new classes, the original three classes are present in this mod and have their own new abilities. The Warrior has a mixture of offensive and defensive skills that allow him to strike fast moving targets with a charge attack or defend himself better with a shield. The Rogue can fire specialized arrows. Finally, the Sorcerer features an improved mana shield and can even negate enemy magic resistance.

If that’s not enough for you, the entire magic system has been expanded to include ice spells, new variants of classic spells, and an eclectic category of spells known as blood magic. Of course, any character can learn magic, just like in vanilla Diablo, so the mod really adds to the player’s options and there’s plenty of room for experimentation.

All in all, the new spells, classes, and abilities are a spectacular addition to the game. These new additions are for the most part well designed, and add an extra dimension to gameplay, since players will need to utilize them effectively in order to survive. With that said, you’ll probably find yourself relying on particular spells and skills for each class more than others, unless you have certain items that allow for special builds. Sadly, a few of these skills are bugged and don’t work as advertised, particularly some of the special attacks of the Assassin, which didn’t seem to stack properly with her stealth bonus. Balance also was an issue and the game is much more difficult with some classes than others. I struggled in the final stages of the game with the necromancer and eventually had to abandon the character, because he simply couldn’t stand up to the hordes of wizards who could cut his skeletons down with ease. The barbarian was a different story and the game was a breeze with him (though the final boss was still a welcome challenge), thanks to his powerful abilities and natural hardiness.

New Foes and Quests

I really don’t want to spoil the surprises that lay in wait for those who play this mod, so I’ll keep this section superficial and brief. There are a ton of new quests and monsters in this game along with new rewards for exploring the dark underbelly of Tristram. Even familiar quests like The Butcher have new twists to them and you’ll find yourself having to adapt to new challenges. My only complaint here is that there is maybe too much in the way of new content, but is that such a bad thing?

More Gear and Crafting

So there’s a lot of new stuff in the way of equipment. Unique weapons and armors have been overhauled and made more worthwhile. Sets have been introduced, which consist of multiple pieces of equipment that add extra bonuses to the player character when worn together. There are now rare items which have multiple random magical properties on them and can be incredibly powerful. Better yet, new magical properties such as health regeneration, increased item drop rate, and cold damage never been added to the game.

Players can also craft pieces of equipment after completing a special quest and finding recipes. You’ll need components that are acquired by sacrificing equipment in order to make a new piece of gear, which works out pretty well, since you get tons of useless drops from the RNG as usual. Unfortunately, the crafting system is a bit fiddly, since you will have to store the components you make using the forge and then take them out when you wish to create items. It’s also possible that there are some bugged recipes, because I was unable to create certain items despite the fact that I had all of the components. Speaking of recipes, there’s another problem with the crafting system: players need to find special recipe scrolls to make a piece of equipment, which is nearly as time consuming as farming for unique or set items.

While all the new equipment is exciting and fun to use, the item drop system felt less stable than that of the original game. The overall quality (if not utility) of dropped items improves steadily as you progress in vanilla Diablo, but this isn’t the case in Belzebub, where just about anything seems to drop, making it even harder to find or buy stuff you need. An item like “Sword of the Pit” ,which reduces the player’s stats when wielded, was generally a rare find in vanilla Diablo, but gear with negative stats drops frequently in Belzebub. While this makes the game a bit more interesting in some regards, it is difficult enough to get good gear in vanilla Diablo and increasing the occurrence of undesirable drops in the mod was unnecessary.


As I pointed out earlier, this mod is incomplete and forever a beta. While the game is highly playable and enjoyable, players will notice all sorts of things that could use improvement or happen to be missing altogether. This is epically true in the case of multiplayer and the missing ending.

Diablo was known for its fast paced online multiplayer action, which was a real novelty back in the mid nineties. Being able to play Diablo Belzebub with a friend would be great, right? Well, don’t get your hopes up, because multiplayer was never implemented in Belzebub. I’ll play devil’s advocate here (sorry for the pun) and defend the dev a bit, because there’s a lot more to adapting a game that was designed to connect to battlenet (Blizzard’s multiplayer server) than slapping together a couple lines of code. It’s likely that the creator of this mod encountered unforeseen problems when trying to create or alter the netcode for this mod and had to scrap the idea. Still, co-op is a major part of the Diablo experience and people who want to play with a friend will miss it, otherwise it’s not much of an issue.

**Don’t read the following paragraph if you wish to avoid spoilers concerning the original game and the mod**

Players familiar with Diablo will notice a new cutscene for the Butcher quest, which is a cool addition to the game, but they’ll also notice that the ending cutscene is conspicuously absent. This was certainly a conscious move on the developer’s part, because Diablo now drops loot upon dying. It seems that the dev was trying to decide when to implement the final movie when he ceased working on Belzebub. While the absence of a final cutscene isn’t a big deal in the grand scheme of things, it is a bit anticlimactic and the fact that there is so much new content in Diablo Belzebub makes one wonder what the dev had up his sleeve in regards to the ending.

Diablo 1 Beelzebub Drop Hack Pastebin

Improved User Interface

Belzebub’s user interface is like that of Diablo II. Shops use the same layout that displays the items available for purchase as well as clickable icons for repairs and other services. For the most part this is an improvement over Diablo’s list format, at least aesthetically, but I’ve found the original format easier to use in some cases since you’ll have to mouse over items to see their properties when buying things in Belzebub. At any rate, it is easier to sell things and repair gear with the Diablo II style interface.

While the new shop system is something of a double edged sword, this mod makes a variety of other improvements to the UI that are clearly beneficial. Players can zoom the camera in or out a great distance, choose to incrementally increase movement speed in town, store items in a massive stash, and place loot in a chest designed for trading. Even the spell book has been upgraded and provides more detailed descriptions for magic and skills. Oh, and the belt has been altered to allow the player to hold more potions and scrolls, but you’ll need to find or buy belts to make use of this feature.

Finally, a waypoint system has been added to the game which makes it far easier to pick up where you left off after finishing a session of spelunking. In fact the waypoint system is one of the best improvements to the game since it allows you to enter every even level, instead of the first section of an area, which was about every five levels in Diablo. It’s also very helpful considering the fact that there there’s so much new content to begin with.

Graphical Improvements

Belzebub touts itself as an HD friendly mod and delivers on its promise… for the most part. The original Diablo was developed for late ‘90s era tube monitors and doesn’t look so hot on more modern screens. With its wide variety of resolution settings for both windowed and fullscreen modes, zoomable camera, and a few surprises, Belzebub brings the classic Diablo into the 21st century. Unfortunately, I’ve encountered screen tearing issues with the CG cutscenes on two different PCs which really damages immersion if you are playing in widescreen. Aside from that, the HD mod works really well and vastly improves upon Diablo’s visual presentation while preserving the look and feel of the game.

Added Challenge

Belzebub is a lot tougher than vanilla Diablo and players will need to build their character more carefully to succeed. While the original classes got a buff and the new characters have their own powerful abilities, the monsters got a boost as well. On top of that, there are a number of new or highly modified enemies that hold nasty surprises. As a result having the right gear and a good strategy is even more important in Belzebub. Needless to say, some players may relish the added challenge, while others may find it frustrating.

Final Thoughts

Diablo Belzebub could have been one of the greatest mods ever made if it were completed, but what we have is pretty damn good despite being unfinished. A surprise waited around every corner of this mod and its creator, Noktis, did a fine job of preserving the spirit of the original game. While I was disappointed by the lack of multiplayer and bugs that will never be fixed, I still had a blast discovering new areas, using new abilities, and overcoming the challenges presented by this mod. Not only that, but Belzebub is free granted you have the original Diablo Hellfire and it’s hard to beat free.


If you liked the original Diablo, you’ll probably love Belzebub and I encourage everyone who enjoys classic hack and slash RPGs to try this out.

The Butcher

Start: Speak with Ogden then go at the northern point of town at the Cathedral's entrance and speak with the Wounded Townsman.
Task: Search Cathedral Level 2 for a room painted red with the blood of dead townspeople. Remember it's location for a future quest.
End: When the Butcher is defeated.

- Unique axe The Butcher's Cleaver (Normal Difficulty)
- Rare axe (Nightmare/Hell/Torment Difficulty)

Start: Enter Cathedral Level 1 and return in town to speak with Pepin.
Task: Search Cathedral Level 2 for an entrance into the Water Passage, where you must defeat Rammaq the Poisoner and all foes.
End: After the water turns from yellow to blue, return to town and speak again with Pepin.

- Unique ring Ring of Truth (Normal Difficulty)
- Rare ring (Nightmare/Hell/Torment Difficulty)

The Butcher's Chamber

Start: Enter Cathedral Level 2 and return in town to speak with Wirt. (read backwards)
Task: Search Cathedral Level 2 for a bloody room, cast Town Portal inside, go in a portal to Butcher's Chamber and face the Butcher.
End: When the Butcher is defeated.

- None (Normal/Nightmare/Hell/Torment Difficulty)

Start: Enter Cathedral Level 2 and return in town to speak with Ogden.
Task: Search Cathedral Level 3 for an entrance into King Leoric's Tomb, and enter the Skeleton King's Lair to face him and his army.
End: After the Skeleton King is defeated, return to town and speak again with Ogden.

- Unique head gear The Undead Crown (Normal Difficulty)
- Rare head gear (Nightmare/Hell/Torment Difficulty)

Ogden's Sign

Start: Enter Cathedral Level 4 and return in town to speak with Ogden. (OR find and speak with Snotspil on Cathedral Level 4)
Task: Search Cathedral Level 4 for a square room with a few Overlords. Inside there is a chest, open it and pick up the Tavern's Sign.
End: Return to town and take Tavern's Sign back to Ogden. (OR take the sign to Snotspil, thou this way you forfeit the quest's reward)

- Unique head gear Harlequin Crest (Normal Difficulty)
- Rare head gear (Nightmare/Hell/Torment Difficulty)

Start: Enter Cathedral Level 4 and return in town to speak with Griswold.
Task: Search Catacombs Level 5 for a pedestal with The Magic Rock on it. Approach and touch it to pick up The Magic Rock.
End: Return to town and take The Magic Rock to Griswold.

- Unique ring Empyrean Band (Normal Difficulty)
- Rare ring (Nightmare/Hell/Torment Difficulty)

Gharbad the Weak

Start: Enter Cathedral Level 4 and search for a goatman, Gharbad the Weak, to speak with.
Task: After 1st speech, move 1 screen away and return for 2nd speech. Then again move 1 screen away and return for final speech.
End: When Gharbad the Weak is defeated.


- Random stuff after 2nd speech + Rare item when he is defeated (Normal/Nightmare/Hell/Torment Difficulty)

Start: Enter Catacombs Level 5 and return in town to speak with Pepin.
Task: The house in the southern point of town is now accessible and needs to be cleared of poisonous vipers that took refuge there.
End: After Warmaggot The Mad is defeated, return to town and speak again with Pepin.

- 5 spendable Attribute Points (Normal/Nightmare/Hell/Torment Difficulty)


Start: Enter Catacombs Level 5, search for a cross-shaped room which has inside a stand that holds the Book of Blood, and read it.
Task: Put on the Blood Pedestal all 3 Bloodstones, 2 are in the newly opened rooms on the left / right side, then face the Risen Hero.
End: When the Risen Hero is defeated.

- Unique body armor Arkaine's Valor (Normal Difficulty)
- Rare body armor (Nightmare/Hell/Torment Difficulty)

Start: Enter Catacombs Level 6, search for a small square enclosure with a nearby stand that holds the Mythical Book, and read it.
Task: Take a newly opened path to The Chamber of Bone, here a horned demon, Ormlos the Impaler guards a tome in the last room.
End: When The Ancient Tome is read.

- +1 level Guardian Spell (Normal/Nightmare/Hell/Torment Difficulty)

Diablo 1 Belzebub Drop Hack

Halls of the Blind

Start: Enter Catacombs Level 7, search for an eight-shaped room with a nearby stand that holds the Book of the Blind, and read it.
Task: Go into the newly opened eight-shaped room to face Hazeshifter and his hidden minions, all of which turn invisible while moving.
End: When Hazeshifter is defeated.

- Unique amulet Optic Amulet (Normal Difficulty)
- Rare amulet (Nightmare/Hell/Torment Difficulty)

Start: Enter Catacombs Level 8, search for a room with Library Tomes, a Bookcase and a mage, Zhar the Mad, and speak with him.
Task: Touch the Bookcase in Zhar the Mad's room to steal a SpellBook and infuriate him, he will turn hostile and you have to face him.
End: When Zhar the Mad is defeated.

- (From the speech before he turns hostile) SpellBook (Normal Difficulty)
- Rare staff (Nightmare/Hell/Torment Difficulty)

Horazon's Sanctum

Start: Enter Catacombs Level 8, search for 3 Spell Tomes to read in order (N/E/W) so a path opens up, and read the Arcane Tome.
Task: Use the telepad above the Arcane Tome to reach Horazon's Sanctum, here at the end of a path you find 2 adjacent rooms, one has the Creature of Flame Tome and if you read it you can face an elemental, and the other room has a Tome of Knowledge and a mage you can face, Cibinensis the Charlatan. At the end of the other path you'll find Horazon's Journal and an entrance into The Pit where you can face Doomlock. Then use another telepad to go back up to Horazon's Sanctum, read a Book of Names that's near a circle of binding to free Grimspike and face him. Upon his defeat The Summoner appears, and if you touch him he becomes hostile and you can face him.
End: When The Summoner is defeated.

- (If you follow the order and defeat The Summoner last) +1 level Golem Spell
(Normal/Nightmare/Hell/Torment Difficulty)

Start: Enter Caves Level 9, search for a Fungal Tome and take it to Adria. OPTIONAL: search for and touch the Slain Hero's body.
Task: Find a Mushroom Patch, take a Black Mushroom and bring it to Adria. Then speak with Pepin and bring him any Demon's Brain.
End: After you take the Spectral Elixir to Adria. (OR if you just drink it, she'll let you keep it anyway)

- +3 to all base Attributes (Normal/Nightmare/Hell/Torment Difficulty)
- OPTIONAL: Rare weapon based on your character.

The Anvil of Fury

Start: Enter Caves Level 10 and return in town to speak with Griswold.
Task: Search for the Anvil of Fury on a peninsula surrounded by lava, be wary that if you approach it the Smith attacks. (Telekinesis?)
End: Return to town and take the Anvil of Fury back to Griswold.

- Crafting + Unique sword The Griswold's Edge (Normal Difficulty)
- Crafting + Rare sword (Nightmare/Hell/Torment Difficulty)

Start: Enter Caves Level 11 and return in town to speak with Gillian.
Task: Search the NW of town for a entrance into the Underground Passage, which leads to Forest's Edge where you'll face Andariel.
End: After Andariel is defeated, return to town and speak again with Gillian.

- Unique amulet Maiden's Broach (Normal Difficulty)
- Rare amulet (Nightmare/Hell/Torment Difficulty)

Diablo 1 Beelzebub Drop Hacks

The Island of the Sunless Sea

Start: Enter Caves Level 12 and return in town to speak with Farnham.
Task: Search Caves Level 12 for a chamber with 4 stones to step in order (S/N/E/W) so a path into Island of The Sunless Sea opens. Here you must find and touch all 8 Corrupted Flames so that Samael The Deadspeaker appears near the statue, and you can face him.
End: When Samael the Deadspeaker is defeated.

- 5 spendable Attribute Points (Normal/Nightmare/Hell/Torment Difficulty)

Start: Enter Caves Level 12 and return in town to speak with Tremain.
Task: Search Hell Level 13 for the balrog Fleshdoom, slay him and return in town to speak with Tremain who asks you to bring him Shadowfang. Then search Hell Level 14 for a room with a lever and 3 stones to step in order (LEVER/MIDDLE/RIGHT/LEFT/LEVER). Now use the telepad to go to the River of Flame where you'll face Hephasto the Armorer, who upon defeat drops his Hellforge Hammer.
End: After you place Shadowfang on the Hellforge Anvil and strike it with the Hellforge Hammer.

- Unique mace Lightforge (Normal Difficulty)
- (based on character class) Rare weapon (Nightmare/Hell/Torment Difficulty)

Lost Treasure

Start: Enter Hell Level 13 and return in town to speak with Wirt.
Task: Pick up and read the Tresure Map to open a path into the Secret Tunnel which is filled with poisonous vipers. Blow your way into the Soulstone Chamber and face the 3 mages, Astrologer Amarlic, Deadcaller Xuchotl and Bloodmage Aratus. Also step on the 4 stones from each corner room so that Sergius the Heretic appears and you have to face him twice, the 2nd time along with the 3 mages revived.
End: When all 4 mages are defeated and the last one drops the Symbol of the Abandoned God.

- +3 to all base Attributes (Normal/Nightmare/Hell/Torment Difficulty)

Start: Enter Hell Level 13, search for 2 burning crucifixes near a stand that holds the Steel Tome, and read it.
Task: The path into Hell Level 14 is now accessible, yet guarded by Steel Lord knights and the Warlord of Blood, which you must face.
End: When the Warlord of Blood is defeated.

- 6 racks with random quality items, 4 weapons and 2 armor pieces
(Normal/Nightmare/Hell/Torment Difficulty)

Izual, the Fallen Angel

Start: Enter Hell Level 15 and return in town to speak with Gillian.
Task: Search Hell Level 15 for a room with 12 barrels in the middle, cast Town Portal and go in a portal to the Temple of the Damned. Here you have to pull 2 skull levers and face the overlord Arch Rector Reppochssarg, who upon defeat will drop the Temple's Keystone. Then you must take the Temple's Keystone and place it on the Grim Pedestal so that the path to Izual opens, and you have to face him.
End: After Izual is defeated, return to town and speak again with Gillian.

- Unique sword Azurewrath (Normal Difficulty)
- (based on character class) Rare weapon (Nightmare/Hell/Torment Difficulty)

Start: Enter Hell Level 15 and search for a blood knight, Lachdanan, to speak with. (OR pick up the Golden Elixir from Hell Level 16)
Task: Search Hell Level 16 for a Golden Elixir found on the ground and take to Lachdanan, to free him from King Leoric's dark curse.
End: After Lachdanan's soul is saved from damnation.

- Unique head gear Vail of Steel (Normal Difficulty)
- Rare head gear (Nightmare/Hell/Torment Difficulty)

Archbishop Lazarus

Start: Enter Hell Level 16, search for a Vile Stand that holds the Staff of Lazarus and take it to Cain.
Task: Search Hell Level 16 for a portal to the Unholy Altar, read the 2 Vile Tomes, return to the telepad and face Archbishop Lazarus.
End: When Archbishop Lazarus is defeated.

Diablo 1 Beelzebub Drop Hacked

- Opens the passage into Terror's Domain (Normal/Nightmare/Hell/Torment Difficulty)

Start: Enter Hell Level 16 and go in a portal to the Unholy Altar, open a large chest, pick up the Map of the Stars and take it to Cain.
Task: After entering Terror's Domain you have 1 hour to defeat Diablo before he reaches full power. And you don't want that, trust me.
End: When Diablo is defeated. (OR fail if 1 hour passes, and Diablo is almost impossible to beat, but restarting a game resets the timer)

- Fair fight with Diablo (Normal/Nightmare/Hell/Torment Difficulty)

Diablo 1 Belzebub Cheat


Start: After Archbishop Lazarus is defeated return in town and talk to Cain.
Task: In the North room of Terror's Domain if you step on 4 stones you can face Doomlord Gam'ar, when he is defeated the East room opens and you can face Bloodlord the Destroyer, when he is defeated the West room opens and you can face Benedict the Black. Here in the West room if you touch the 3 Crucified Skeletons the South room opens and you can finally face The Lord of Terror, Diablo.
End: After Diablo is defeated, touch Prince Albrecht, get the Soulstone and right-click it. (OR keep it in personal inventory till next game)

- Completion of the current difficulty level (Normal/Nightmare/Hell/Torment Difficulty)