Sitesucker For Windows

Additionally, SiteSucker downloads every file on the website that it can find. This means a larger download with a lot of potentially useless files. Cyotek WebCopy is a tool that allows users to copy full websites or just the parts that they want. Unfortunately, the WebCopy app is only available for Windows, but it is freeware.

First written: 2016-2017. Last nontrivial update: 2019 Jan 13.

  • WGET is a piece of free software from GNU designed to retrieve files using the most popular internet protocols available, including FTP, FTPS, HTTP and HTTPS. Even with large files or mirroring entire websites, retrieving files or mirroring sites is easily done with WGET’s long list of features.
  • SiteSucker is a Macintosh application that automatically downloads Web sites from the Internet. It does this by copying the site's Web pages, images, backgrounds, movies, and other files to your local hard drive. Just enter a URL (Uniform Resource Locator) and click a.
  • Alternatives to SiteSucker for Windows, Mac, Linux, Web, Firefox and more. Filter by license to discover only free or Open Source alternatives. This list contains a total of 25+ apps similar to SiteSucker. List updated: 2:46:00 PM.


One way to back up a website—whether your own or someone else's—is to use a tool that downloads the website. Then you can back up the resulting files to the cloud, optical media, etc. This page gives some information on downloading websites using tools like HTTrack and SiteSucker.

Note: Here's a list of the domains I have downloaded. Let me know if you don't want your site to be downloaded.


  • HTTrack
  • Compress archived websites?


On Windows, HTTrack is commonly used to download websites, and it's free. Once you download a site, you can zip its folder and then back that up the way you would any of your other files.

I'm still a novice at HTTrack, but from my experience so far, I've found that it captures only ~90% of a website's individual pages on average. For some websites (like the one you're reading now), HTTrack seems to capture everything, but for other sites, it misses some pages. Maybe this is because of complications with redirects? I'm not sure. Still, ~90% backup is much better than 0%.

You can verify which pages got backed up by opening the domain's index.html file from HTTrack's download folder and browsing around using the files on your hard drive. It's best if you disconnect from the Internet when doing this because I found that if I was online when browsing around the downloaded file contents, some pages got loaded from the Internet, not from the local files that I was testing.

Pictures don't seem to load offline, but you can check that they're still being downloaded. For example, for WordPress site downloads, look at the wp-contentuploads folder.

I won't explain the full how-to steps of using HTTrack, but below are two problems that I ran into.

Site Sucker For Windows

Troubleshooting: gets too many pages

When I tried to use HTTrack to download a single website using the program's default settings (as of Nov. 2016), I downloaded the website but also got some other random files from other domains, presumably from links on the main domain. In some cases, the number of links that the program tried to download grew without limit, and I had to cancel. In order to download files only from the desired domain, I had to do the following.

Step 1: Specify the domain(s) to download (as I had already been doing).

Step 2: Add a Scan Rules pattern like this: +https://** . This way, only links on that domain will be downloaded.
Including a * before the main domain name is useful in case the site has subdomains. For example, the site has a subdomain , which would be missed if you only used the pattern +* .

Troubleshooting: Error: 'Forbidden' (403)


Some pages gave me a 'Forbidden' error, which prevented any content from being downloaded. I was able to fix this by clicking on 'Set options..', choosing the 'Browser ID' tab, and then changing 'Browser 'Identity' from the default of 'Mozilla/4.5 (compatible: HTTrack 3.0x; Windows 98)' to 'Java1.1.4'. I chose the Java identity because it didn't contain the substring 'HTTrack', which may have been the reason I was being blocked.


On Mac, I download websites using SiteSucker. This page gives configuration details that I use when downloading certain sites.

Including redirects

I think website downloads using the above methods don't include the redirects that a site may be using. A redirect ensures that an old link doesn't break when you move a page to a new url. If you back up your website, it's nice to include the redirects in the backup, in case you need to regenerate your website in the future.

I'm not sure if there's a way to download the redirects of a site you don't own; let me know if there is. For a site you do own, sometimes you can back up the redirects by saving the relevant .htaccess file. In my case, I use the 'Redirection' plugin in WordPress, and its menu has an 'Import/Export' option; I find that the 'Nginx rewrite rules' export format is concise and readable.

Non-linked content

HTTrack and SiteSucker are web crawlers, which means they identify pages on your site by following links. If you have content on your site that's not linked from the starting page you provide, then I assume these programs won't download it. (I've verified that this is true at least for SiteSucker.) If you want a page or file on your website to be downloaded, make sure there's at least one link to it. If you don't want the link to your content to be noticeable, you can add a hyperlink with no anchor text, like this: <a href='my_url.pdf'></a>

I use this trick for files that I store on my sites as backups. In particular, whenever I publish a substantive article on a website that I don't control, such as an interview published on someone else's site, I create a PDF backup of the page because I can't guarantee that the other person will keep the content online indefinitely. On my page I add a visible hyperlink that points to the other person's site, but I also upload the PDF backup to my own site in case the original content ever disappears. Since I want these PDF files to be included in backups of my website content, I create hyperlinks to these PDF files with no anchor text.

[Update in 2018: For content of mine that's published on other people's sites, I've decided to stop storing PDF backups on my website, since these backup files could theoretically still show up in Google results. Plus, if someone else takes his copy of the content down, there's a chance he did so deliberately, and I'd want to check with him before having a copy available on my site. My new approach is to back up my interviews and other content that's hosted on another person's site just to my private files—both a print-to-PDF copy and the raw HTML. If the content on the other person's site ever goes away, I can ask that person for permission to upload it to my own site.]

Images that are only used in the context of meta property='og:image' (for Facebook image previews) and that aren't actually linked from the body of your HTML also won't be captured by crawlers. Again, you can add an a href link to the image with no anchor text to make sure the image gets downloaded.

Images not on your site

If your site has images that aren't hosted on your own domain, then crawlers won't download those images when only downloading same-domain content. For example, if you use the WordPress Jetpack plugin with the Photon module, then an image that would normally be hosted at will instead be hosted at something like . As a result, a crawler won't download this image.

At least in SiteSucker, I think you can work around this problem by downloading addition to . The download of seems to pick up the images for some reason. (In fact, it picks up multiple sizes of each image.)

Saving PDFs of JavaScript calculations

A few of the pages on my websites contain JavaScript calculators, which produce output numbers, text, and graphs computed from inputs. For my calculators, the JavaScript is contained within the main HTML file, so backing up the HTML backs up the JavaScript. However, I think it's also important to save PDF backups of these pages that show the calculated results on the default input values, because JavaScript seems more brittle than plain HTML.

A regular HTML document is human-readable. Even if browsers 50 years into the future can't render present-day HTML files, a human with some knowledge of historical HTML tags could still understand 99%, if not 100%, of the HTML just by looking at it in a text editor. However, nontrivial JavaScript calculations are harder to understand just by looking at them. To get the results, you have to actually run the code, and it's not obvious to me that web browsers in, say, 20 years will be backward-compatible enough to run JavaScript that I might write today. Of course, I could probably update my JavaScript to accommodate future changes, but this requires constant vigilance, and there's a risk of introducing bugs along the way. Having a static snapshot of the results of the JavaScript calculations is useful in case the code breaks in the future and you don't have time to fix it. Plus, if you do update the code, once it's up and running again you can check the results of the calculations against the saved PDF files to ensure that you haven't inadvertently messed up the code while fixing it.

Compress archived websites?

Once you've downloaded a website using HTTrack or similar software, should you compress the website folder before backing it up to the cloud? I'm uncertain and would appreciate reader feedback, but here are some considerations.

My impression is that plain text files (such as raw HTML files) are more secure against format rot and bit rot, because 'They avoid some of the problems encountered with other file formats, such as endianness, padding bytes, or differences in the number of bytes in a machine word. Further, when data corruption occurs in a text file, it is often easier to recover and continue processing the remaining contents.' A Reddit comment says: 'Straight up txt files have a very low structural scope / over head, so unless you're doing something funky, a bit error is limited to a character byte.'

As a result, I plan to back up my own websites and other important sites mostly as uncompressed files (with some compressed copies thrown into the mix too). However, when backing up lots of other websites that are less essential, compression may make sense. This is especially so if the website download has a lot of redundancy. Following is an example.

Compression example with duplicate content

In 2017, I downloaded using SiteSucker. The download had a huge amount of redundancy using the default SiteSucker download settings, because each blog comment on a blog post had its own url and thus downloaded the blog post again. For example, on a blog post with 7 comments, I got 8 copies of the blog HTML: 1 from the original post, and 7 from each of the 7 comment urls. The website download also included an enormous number of search pages. Probably I could prevent these copies from downloading with some jiggering of the settings, but I want to be able to download lots of sites with minimal per-site configuration, and I'm not sure that url-exclusion rules that I might apply in this case would work elsewhere.

In principle, compression can minimize the burden of duplicate content. Does it in practice? During the download, I checked to see that the raw content downloaded so far occupied ~450 MB. Applying 'Normal' zip compression using Keka software gave a zip archive of 88 MB, which is about 1/5 the uncompressed size. Not bad. However, a 'Normal' 7z archive of the raw data was only 1.6 MB—a little more than 1/300th of the uncompressed size!

Using a simple test folder with two copies of a file, I verified that zip compression doesn't detect duplicate files, but 7z compression does. Presumably this explains the dramatic size reduction using 7z. This person found the same: 'You might expect that ZIP is smart enough to figure out this is repeating data and use only one compression object inside the .zip, but this is not the case[..] Basically most such utilities behave similarly (tar.gz, tar.bz2, rar in solid mode) - only 7zip caught me [..].'

Security concerns?

Is it dangerous to download websites because you might make a request to a dangerous url? I'm still exploring this topic and would like advice.

My tentative guess is that the risk is low if you only download web pages from a given (trustworthy) domain. If you also download pages on other domains that are linked from the first domain, perhaps there's more risk?

HTTrack's FAQ says: 'You may encounter websites which were corrupted by viruses, and downloading data on these websites might be dangerous if you execute downloaded executables, or if embedded pages contain infected material (as dangerous as if using a regular Browser). Always ensure that websites you are crawling are safe.'

This page says: 'SiteSucker totally ignores JavaScript. Any link specified within JavaScript will not be seen by SiteSucker and will not be downloaded.' Does this help with security? How much?

GBC (2013): 'Essentially all BROWSER vulnerabilities (ie. not vulns. in plugins like java or flash) involve and rely on JavaScript (JS) running.'

Using downloads for monitoring website changes

Suppose you want to monitor what changes are done to your website over time, such as to track what revisions your fellow authors are making to articles. While I imagine there are various ways to do this, one relatively low-tech method is as follows. Periodically (say, every few months, or at whatever frequency suits you) download a new copy of your website using HTTrack or SiteSucker. Store at least the previous download as well. Then run diff -r Financial accounting 2 lecture notes pdf. on your two website-download folders to see what has changed. You could make this more sophisticated by adding logic to ignore trivial changes or changes in files you don't care about.

Of course, you could also do a diff on the website database .sql file directly if you can download it.

Website downloader is a great tool to download websites directly to one’s computer easily. They come with various features and enable smooth downloading of web pages in quick time. License key generator. They allow viewing downloaded websites without internet connectivity and can download even password protected websites.


To know more about these tools and their varieties one can search Google using “website downloader free. download full version”, “free website downloader software”, “website video downloader” or “website downloader online”.

Darcy Ripper

Darcy Ripper is helps to download sources from web pages easily. It can perform multiple downloads jobs based on schedule and perform actions after download by setting configurations. Gsonic motherboard vga drivers windows 7. It allows viewing download progress and allows pausing, stopping and resuming downloads. It comes with many controlling features like maximum search, download file size, etc.


Web2Disk allows viewing the downloaded websites in any browser with perfect quality. It allows distribution of downloaded websites. It allows scheduling downloads and extremely easy- to-use tool. It comes with powerful engine which allows viewing and downloading password protected websites too. There are no limits or restrictions in downloading websites.

BackStreet Browser

BackStreet Browser is powerful tool which enables quick downloading of website and saves the entire files in native or compressed format. It allows restarting the download process that is halted due to disconnection. It allows browsing websites that are in compressed format without unzipping them. It allows updating website that was already downloaded.


SurfOffline can download up to hundred files concurrently. It can download password protected web pages securely. It comes with powerful download settings like specifying preferred browser, downloading images and videos only and restricting downloading from website links. It allows viewing downloaded website and sharing them through internet. It comes with simple interface.


Other Website Downloader for Different Platforms

There is a plenty of website downloader available for different platforms like Windows, Mac Os and Android. These software are platform dependent and hence they should be checked for platform compatibility before downloading and installing them. Below are the details that are presented for each version along with their features.

Best Website Downloader for Android – HTTrack

HTTrack is offline browser application which helps to download a website from internet to the device. It can download images and linked web pages as well. It arranges the original website related link-structure such that it mimics the actual website. It allows update already downloaded website and resuming download interruptions.

Best Website Downloader for Mac Os – SiteSucker

SiteSucker is Mac application that can download web sites from the internet. It performs downloading by copying web pages, PDFs and other files to the computer. It comes with easy-to-use interface and allows setting maximum number of files to download. It allows pausing and resuming download. It comes with various download settings.

Sitesucker Pc

Best Website Downloader for Windows – HTTrack

HTTrack is simple to install and easy-to-use website downloader which downloads entire website including images and other files to local disk. It allows updating already downloaded website easily and comes with resuming interrupted download facility. It comes with complete configuration settings and provides help facility. It mimics viewing website through online facility.

More Great Website Downloader for Windows, Android and Mac Os

For windows version some of the website downloader is “Web Downloader”, “WinWSD WebSite Downloader”, “Complete Website Downloader”, “Cyotek WebCopy”, “WebSiteSniffer”, “Local Website Archive” and “Full WebSite Downloader”. For Mac Os version some of the website downloader is “Maria”, “Web Dumper” and “Web Snapper”. “Offline Browser” is a website downloader for android application.

Most Popular Website Downloader for 2016 is Web2Disk

Web2Disk captures website easily and quickly. It allows downloading entire website or only a few files. It allows distributing download website to CD or USB storage media. It allows viewing downloaded website without internet facility. It allows scheduling website downloading and it is easy-to-use tool. It allows ripping images, videos or other files.

What is Website Downloader?

Website downloader is useful to download websites completely and view the downloaded websites without internet connectivity. They do not come with any restrictions on number of websites to download and can download password protected websites also. They come with scheduler to download the websites and save the files to any storage media either in compressed format or native format.

They allow viewing websites from compressed format directly. They allow updating websites that are already downloaded automatically. To get more knowledge about these tools one can search Google using “website downloader ubuntu”, “winwsd website downloader”, “best website downloader” or “youtube website downloader”.

How to Install Website Downloader?

Website downloader installation instructions are supplied along with the software download files and one can perform installing these tools by going through the instructions. The software website provides information regarding system requirements for both hardware as well as software to install and use these tools. One should check for versions of platform for which these software work.

Benefits of Website Downloader

Website downloader is primarily useful for viewing websites from any storage media and distributes them easily. One does not require internet facility to view the downloaded websites. They allow resuming download that are interrupted due to internet disruptions. They allow downloading multiple websites simultaneously and viewing downloaded files from any browser. They come with features like pausing, resuming and stopping downloads.

Sometimes if one decides not to download images from website they can specify the same in settings. They allow one to set maximum number of websites to download and restrict download file size. They are helpful tools for research people who need to visit the website often to view its contents.

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