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The little girl had already stretched out her feet to warm them too; but-the small flame went out, the stove vanished: she had only the remains of the burnt-out match in her hand. She rubbed another against the wall: it burned brightly, and where the light fell on the wall, there the wall became transparent like a veil, so that she could see. The Match Factory Girl online, free Where to watch The Match Factory Girl The Match Factory Girl movie free online The Match Factory Girl free online. You May Also Like.

Living an unhappy life with her mother (Elina Salo) and her stepfather (Esko Nikkari) and reading romantic literature in her free time, Iris (Kati Outinen) works in a match factory and dreams of finding great love. When she goes to a dance, nobody asks her for a dance until one night she meets a yuppiesh man named Aarne (Vesa Vierikko). They spend a night together, and Iris mistakenly thinks there is real love between them and becomes accidentally pregnant. Aarne tries to get out of the situation by offering Iris money, telling her “to get rid of the maggot.” Iris runs in front of a car and the baby dies. A thought of a revenge starts to crystallize on the mind of the exploited woman, and she buys rat poison in the pharmacy, goes to Aarne's place and poisons the man. Iris then uses rat poison to kill all her other enemies, and at the end of the film, the police arrest her when she is at work at the match factory. Watch The Match Factory Girl online, free
  • DirectorAki Kaurismäki
  • AuthorAki Kaurismäki
  • CameraTimo Salminen
  • ActorsKati Outinen, Elina Salo, Esko Nikkari, Vesa Vierikko
  • produced byAri Kaurismäki, Klas Olofsson
  • CountriesFinland Schweden
  • GenreFilm
  • Year1990
  • Length70 min
  • TopicAbortion
  • LanguagesFinnish
  • SubtitlesDanish, English, Swedish
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